Name: Stella Mbabazi
Position: Risk and Compliance Manager
Company: GoldMine Finance Ltd
Sector/Industry: Financial sector
Worked in current position for: Two (2) years, 7 months
Total years as an in-house lawyer: Four (4) year, 7 months
A day in my life: First thing in the morning is to check in with my supervisor and brief him about my most important task .Then I will conduct a check in with my team to find out what is on their desks as well as plan for the day (I prefer to call it a check in, than a meeting so as to eliminate the boredom associated with routine meetings).
On my desk, I start it off with “eating the frog” i.e. handling the most complex task of the day while others follow as the day eases in. I do a couple of check-ins with work colleagues as the day progresses which also serve as breaks from my tasks.
I also do a couple or routine checks on social media, make personal calls, might listen to a pod cast, as well as read a few personal things to keep abreast with the outside world.
The best thing about my current job is:
Every day presents new challenges which keeps me challenged as well, but most importantly enhances my ability to do solve problems and transforming into a critical thinker.
The most challenging thing about my current job is:
Merging the business demands with the legal demands to serve the company can sometimes be challenging
Most pivotal career decision:
Changing from the Humanitarian field of law to pursue the commercial course. I must say though that, serving in the Humanitarian Field was a good starter as it has later helped me in bringing a human face to my work.
One of the biggest challenges I’ve had to face in your in-house career journey is:
How to make the routine tasks more creative and fun.
What advice would I give my younger self?
You have all it takes to occupy any space you want to be in. Just put in the work required and trust the process
Key influencers that have shaped my journey:
My Supervisor at GoldMine Finance who have believed in me and mentored me in the leadership position
One cool thing I’ve observed in the legal industry recently?
Favourite pro bono/ volunteer or charitable activity:
I worked with a mental health organisation were I drafted a small user hand book manual when it comes to understanding the law related to Mental Health.
If I were not practising law, I would probably be:
Interior and Exterior Designer
What (singular) achievement are you most proud of?
Reading at least two self-help groups in a month. Reading has transformed me
Something you love doing that but you’re not that great at?
Mentoring; I love mentoring young people but I have not done it more often.
Something you dislike doing that you’re pretty good at?
Public Speaking (I have been told am good at this)
In 5 years-time I’d love to be:
I would love to be well-studied(Having added onto my qualifications), well paid(Being deserving of the services I provide), well related(having formed more formidable networks globally).