Favour Njoku

Name: Favour Njoku                                     

Position: Head, Commercial Operations and Legal Services                          

Company:  Union Systems Limited                     

Sector/Industry: Technology

Worked in current position for: 2 years+. 

Total years as an in-house lawyer:    2 years+                     

A day in the life:

I arrive at the office very early, around 7:30 AM, even though, as a member of the management team, I have the flexibility to arrive at 10 AM. I do this to enjoy some quiet time before the workday begins. Once I get in, I head to my office, drop off my personal belongings, and then go to the kitchen for a quick breakfast, usually a cup of coffee. I spend a few moments relaxing by browsing the internet or reading the daily news.

After settling in, I start my workday by checking and responding to emails. As the Head of Commercial Operations and Legal Services, I advise the company on the appropriate software licensing models to adopt, compute licensing pricing for clients based on the selected modules, and collaborate with the sales team to ensure accurate and competitive pricing strategies. I also work closely with other departments to streamline operations and enhance overall efficiency.

In my role as Legal Counsel, I review and draft various agreements, such as Software License Agreements and NDAs depending on what is pending on my desk for the day. I ensure that all contracts comply with legal standards and protect the company’s interests. I also provide legal advice on matters related to intellectual property, compliance, and risk management. My day may also involve negotiating contract terms with clients, and staying updated on relevant laws and regulations to mention a few.

If I have a meeting scheduled, I prepare thoroughly to ensure productive discussions. These meetings could be with clients, internal teams, or external partners, focusing on strategic planning, project updates, or resolving any issues that arise. Throughout the day, I prioritize tasks to manage my dual responsibilities effectively, ensuring that both commercial and legal aspects of the business are handled proficiently. My day is a blend of strategic planning, operational management, and legal oversight, all aimed at driving the company’s success

The best thing about my current job is: 

Mastering the intricacies of the company’s business while striking a balance between business operations and legal advisory. This dual role allows me to gain a comprehensive understanding of both the commercial and legal aspects, enabling me to contribute effectively to the company’s success.

The most challenging thing about my current job is: 

Convincing other departmental heads that the innovations my team and I introduce are designed to enhance business operations and safeguard the company’s interests, rather than slow it down. Balancing this perception and ensuring alignment across departments can be quite demanding.

Most pivotal career decision: 

One of the biggest challenges I’ve had to face in your in-house career journey is:

Convincing my fellow colleagues who are not in-house that in-house lawyers are not idle. We don’t just sit around and attend meetings; our roles are demanding and critical to the organization’s success, yet we don’t always get the recognition we deserve.

What advice would I give my younger self?

Against all odds, you will be fine. God is with you, you will not fail, so take a chance on yourself.

Key influencers that have shaped my journey:

Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe Esq, Mr. Ikechukwu Uwanna (Attorney General of Abia State)

One cool thing I’ve observed in the legal industry recently?

The quest for knowledge. Thanks to the fantastic work by the NBA Institute of Continuing Legal Education, led by Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe, Esq., lawyers now have access to a wealth of knowledge in different aspects of law from seasoned professionals, all free of charge.

Favourite pro bono/ volunteer or charitable activity: 

I am an active Member of Rotary Club

If I were not practising law, I would probably be: 

Hmmm, maybe would have been an event planner or personal shopper, LOL  

What (singular) achievement are you most proud of?

Creating so much value within the organization that no major or strategic decision is made without input from the legal team, and no document leaves the company without our review and sign-off.

Something you love doing but you’re not that great at?

LOL, that will definitely be Dancing. When I’m seated, I feel like I dance well, but when I stand up, my legs betray me.

Something you dislike doing that you’re pretty good at?

Public speaking! Despite being naturally shy, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge that I believe would greatly benefit others if I can overcome my fear and effectively share it through public speaking engagements.

 In 5 years-time I’d love to:

I’d love to serve on the boards of organizations, particularly in the financial industry (banks and other financial institutions, fintech companies inclusive). This aligns with my current role and aspirations to contribute strategically at a higher level within the financial sector.